Turning Lamebos Into Rainbows

Rambling Goat and Nonsense Unicorn present… The Awesome Person's Guide to Life

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Are you a Hobosapien?

I’m an extrovert. However, this is only when I’m out and interacting with people. At all other times, I am a Hobosapien aka Nanahobo (Accurate terms by the lovely Nonsense Unicorn).

Symptoms of Nanahoboism:
*You make plans one day, then spend the following days leading up to the event trying to cancel/postpone/weasel your way out of it.
*If you have to go somewhere, it takes a shitload of effort to get yourself motivated and ready and you usually run late (with that tiny glimmer of hope that the other person will cancel).
*If the other person cancels, you instantly become the happiest person on earth.
*On your days off work you wear pj’s until lunchtime, shower, then put on a fresh pair of pj’s, feeling productive for doing so.
*You give yourself very basic and achievable goals for the weekend (eg. Making a tart), but only end up completing the bare necessities (washing clothes).
*You figure its not worth going out with friends because you’ll spend money, then buy a novelty mug online because you’re bored.
*You’re more than happy to live vicariously through your social friends and their hilarious stories.


If you are thinking ‘oh shit yeah, finally someone understands me!’, well, let your Hobosapien cape fly my friend! Well, mentally (unless you bought it online that time..). It’s totes fine to be a Nanahobo. In fact, more Gen Y’s and millenials are doing it. I could even say it’s trending o.O
Does anyone even go out and do stuff anymore? Pssshhh, lame.


Fellow Hobos, I’ve got some suggestions of great fun things you can chat to your fellow Hobosapiens about (via text of course):
*Various slipper styles (sending photos is totally allowed).
*Compare the longest you’ve stayed in your PJ’s for.
*How the weather is crappy outside.
*What great TV series you’re watching at the moment.
*Video game recommendations (NU gives me these, love it!).
*How bills are so expensive these days and both agree that money sucks (but internally you kinda love that it means you get to stay home more).
*Well it’s a no-brainer, but send them hilarious memes. I ended up in an Eminem meme spiral yesterday so let me share some with you for this #throwbackidontknowwhatdayitis :




And if you’re looking for activities to keep you inside/entertain you while you’re avoiding society then try these out for size:
*Craft projects (but read this first).
*Read a book.
*Convince yourself you should go and cook up some amazing dish and then realise you CBF and just make a sandwich. Remember, sandwiches are amazing too.
*Video games.
*Draw plans of stuff you want to do (don’t worry, you don’t actually have to do them 😉 ).
*Turn some music on and dance around the kitchen with your pets. I did this yesterday, highly recommended for it’s hilarity and feel-good factor!

Don’t feel bad about doing a whole lot of nothing my humble Hobofolk, band together (mentally) and stay warm, comfortable and entertained in your comfort zone!
I’ve got yo back!

Rambling Goat



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**Found a few drafts from a while back, so I’m booking them in to be future posts, huzzah!**

I’m on the train and as you do, overheard a few converstaions.

Kid – I have diabetes!
Other Kid – I like apples!

The ladies in front of me talking about prescription glasses.

I listen back to the kids – I like green ones! (still talking about apples)

Why can’t life just stay that simple??


Rambling Goat


I’m back! Kinda..

Sorry gang, it’s been a while since I posted. Long story short I bought a house interstate, moved into it, moved my grandma in as a flatmate (definite post material there!) and have moved my attention more to Fetlife because I’m a filthy sluzzbag and have forgotten to try and help others with my awkwardness and eccentric logic. My bad!

I also got the first proper permanent (or ‘ongoing’ as it seems to be called now) job I’ve ever had. At age 30… Gen Y’ers, I know you feel me!


For those interested, I’m still with DD (but living in different states is working out WAY better), and have 2 potential partners close to home.

Conclusion: I’m super fekkin busy and haven’t had time/energy/mental capacity to blog. I suspect I wont have much time to blog moving forward but you never know, I’ll try and bust out a few now while I have a moment!

Overall, life is going pretty sweet. I decided what I wanted in life right now and after a hard, rough slog, got there, yaaaaas!

Rambling Goat

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Moving and skating and graduation, oh my

Well life has been one cluster fuck over the past few months. Let me regail you on a bit of a breakdown of what’s being going on in unicorn town:

  • So boy and I were pretty much on hiatus for like 3 weeks or something, during that time I ran away and lived with my parents.  After this time we both had long hard looks at our relationship and life and all that, and decided that although we have a lot to work on its worth fighting for. So we decided to give it another go.
  • Nek minnit we have put our notice in at our place and are moving into a one bedder! Roommate was a child about it and we haven’t seen him since. Meh.
  • Handed in my last essay and completed my last exam – given that I pass it all, I know officially have completed another qualification. Let’s add Graduate Diploma in Psychological Sciences to the end of my name with the rest of the qualifications I have and do absolutely fuck all with. Now to decide whether to give honours a go, the post grad diploma before masters, or just give up and resign to the fact that I’m too dumb to ever be a legit psychologist so I should probs just shut up and keep working admin and maybe pop out a spawn soon or something.

  • I’m totally doing a fresh meat course for roller derby. I’m not the worse in the pack, but my confidence is definitely not there to believe that I will get through it to actually make it onto the team one day. But skating is fun, and it’s a lesson for me to try to keep persisting and not let my lack of confidence get the better of me.

And add work being a big shit ball of busyness and annoying people, that’s my life right about now. Just so you know. Not that it’s very exciting or anything, but you know, sometimes writing about this crap helps validate existence. That or I’m just procrastinating at work. Eh.


Roommates: fucks sake not again

Shit hit the fan last night at around 12:40am on a work night.  You’d think that I would have learnt my lesson from the last time that roommates just don’t work in my home. I’m just not made for cohabitation, especially not with gronks anyway.

Back story: for the past four months or so one of Boy’s friends, let’s call him Gronk,  has been living with us. First it started to help him out with a break up, but it’s somehow turned into a seemingly more permanent arrangement...

So last night Boy and Gronk go to the pub for what was meant to be just a couple of drinks, and then turned into late night karaoke. It was organised that they would bring back dinner at 8:30 once I finished my uni class, but I get a text saying they’re going to stay out (even though Boy starts work at 630am and struggles more than me with mornings).

So already I’m hangry from that and decide to go to bed. Strike one.

After a few hours of not being able to sleep, at 12:40am I hear the front door open and hear four voices. What the? The noise then proceeds to our courtyard and I can hear bogan banter, beers and bad singing.

Urge to kill rising.

I go downstairs and the straw on my back snaps. Some old dero bogan man and beanie wearing cunt nugget bitch are sitting on the rabbit cage with beers with Boy and our room mate. At 12:40am on a work night. Oh hell no.

“What the fuck is this? Yeah no this is not happening, get the fuck out of my house”.

Cunt nugget bitch pipes up, “uh no, that’s for him (points to Gronk roommate) to decide”. Gronk roommate who is a guest in our house, has the final say in whether it’s cool that our place turns into a late night party haven and public menac to our neighbours.

Now let me point out that it has been explicitly discussed my expectations and needs for our place. I don’t care if you go out, you don’t bring it back to the house. It’s important for home to be a sanctuary for my mental health. 

By instead they bring strangers into the home that I have built with Boy for years, and somehow turn me into a stranger in my own fuckng house.

I cracked it at Boy. I told him I’m fucking done with this kind of bullshit and I’m leaving. I told him have fun being single with his fuckface Gronk friend. I’m going to my parents house.

He was drunk, rambled about how yeah he fucked up once and I’m a psycho. I told him it’s not this once, too many times similar to this over months and years and this is the straw that broke the camels back.

He doesn’t have my back. He can’t put himself into my shoes. It’s just about what he wants to do and have fun, and I always have to just suck it up and deal with what he wants, otherwise I’m the bitch.

I left and went to my parents house.

I guess we are broken up now. I’m not talking to him today as I’m still angry and upset. I can’t go back right now to get stuff either as I will probably smash Gronk roommates guitar in his face.

I guess this is the end.

Nonsense unicorn


Forever Young

I received a text last night about another friend expecting a baby. I think that now officially moves the ratio of my friends closer to the motherhood side and I am the outlier . Eww.

I am officially at that age where all my friends are getting married and having babies, and I’m just here roller skating, looking at BJD dolls and planning which gaming console I’m going to buy next.

I don’t care if I’m 30, im too damn young to be needing all of this adult bullshit.

When I received the text last night, instead of feeling happy for my friend I started to get that gut wrenching burn of anxiety inside my chest. I closed my eyes and tried not to panic about the perpetual paradox that I live in.

Why don’t I want the same things as everyone else? Am I unknowingly a sociopath or something?

I don’t want babies now, but I also don’t want to have babies when I’m older.

I don’t want to get married, but I don’t want babies out of wedlock.

All these thoughts, wishing I could just follow the status quo. But I don’t freaking want to.

And I know that blah blah when the time is right, but you can’t argue with biology. And what if I end up having wary menopause, or fertility problems, I’m already 7 years out of my breeding prime, am I really meant to be thinking of re-spawning now?

When do I draw the line and make the decision to take a leap into adulthood?

When do I have to grow up?

Nonsense Unicorn


Roller skating Noob

Dear diary,

So I have discovered roller skating and have been obsessing for a month!

It’s kinda a nice feeling to actually feel excited and look forward to my class every week. I haven’t felt this kind of excitement for a while and it’s all that’s getting me through each week.

Besides the fact that I can’t stop, turn around or go backwards, or damn crouch low enough to do the shooting duck- it is so much fun!

My social anxiety goes through the roof at the same time, like thoughts that the instructor hates me and thinks I suck, or my skates are too bright.

And oh my god I think I have a nemesis! So at the beginning of each class we go around in circles to warm up, 2 advanced bitches were going in the wrong direction, one came right at me! My arms flailed and I braced for impact crying “sorry!!!” And she dodged last minute smirking at me. What a cunt nugget.

So now I’m more motivated to somehow get better and bowl the bitch down.

Moreover, I attempted to put toe guards on my new skates and stupidly burred the screw of my toe stop and now it’s stuck! I hope I haven’t broken it. Only had them for two weeks.

Anyway, just wanted to share my new found passion. Hope I don’t break any bones.

Yours sparklingly,

Nonsense Unicorn

FYI image courtesy of mile joos art. What a legend



I’ve always been of the somewhat opinion that contemporary art is a bunch of massive wank.  My appreciation always halted at Lichtenstein, or sometimes Warhol, but after that it’s always rather pissed me off than anything else.  Compared to the actual skill and talent of the classics, I have been all WTF is with painting a canvas black (I can do that), smack a $20,000 price tag on it and call it art because the art resides in what is not on the canvas. Piss off.

Anyway, this is all up until I visited MONA and ermagherd some artworks actually made me feel shit.  Quite a surprise. If you haven’t been, you totally need to go to Tasmania and check this out!  It’s pretty much a museum of art that’s the private collection of this gambling guru, so there’s a mix of old awesome stuff and weird ass contemporary shit (like literally a shit machine. Literally. It eats and poops. Art.)

So after my visit, there’s a few artists that I have been obsessing about since then.  I couldn’t be bothered to provide my review cos that’s not what I’m writing about.  If you like creepy Silent Hillesque shit, check out Patricia Piccinini or Berlinde De Bruyckere.  I’ve always been a bit of a morbid unicorn, there’s just a certain beauty in the seemingly twisted and grotesque artworks. I’m loving it.

One particular artist I’m obsessing about and have had epiphanies (well, not really, but felt something something) about life and all that kinda crap is Andres Serrano.  He’s a famous and hectic controversial photographer, where he’s used a lot of bodily fluids in photos (think Metallica Load and Reload album covers! That’s his blood and spooge!), as well as taken photos of the Klu Klux Klan and homeless people.  “Controversial”, but again there’s just a different perspective and beauty to his art where for the first time I actually appreciate a photographer, where most I’ve met are super duper wankers.

I’m not so much interested in all that work mentioned above, but he did a project called The Morgue Series (Cause of Death).  Pretty much he had access to a morgue and took photos of some dead people.  But seriously, it’s not as crass or horrible as it first sounds.  I’m not going to post any of the pictures here because everyone has difference experiences and thoughts and feelings on death, but I saw one of these photos at Mona and it just made me feel…..not numb. Even for a moment.

Click here if you want to see Blood Transfusion Resulting in AIDS by Andres Serrano, the picture that has made me think and feel and shit.  I’ve never really been scared of death, I’ve always felt a somewhat peaceful release associated with it, and this picture, as well as the others, still manages to capture the soul and life of going to the other side…

SO! Here’s where the lamebo part comes in.  I went to a friend’s party on the weekend and an old mate, who used to be legit cool and nice and down to earth back in school days, but now is a massive wanker photographer (who mainly takes hipster wedding photos and glamour shots of his girlfriend) sits down to have a chat.  He starts the usual mundane “what’s been happening, what you doing etc” conversation, but me being adverse to that boring bullcrap small talk, bring up Andres Serrano.

“OMG ArtWank, you know Andres Serrano right?  He’s super famous, if you haven’t you really need to check his shit out as a photographer.  He takes photos of spooge and dead people, but man there’s a strange magic to what he does.  Look him up!”

He googles the name, sees the picture of Piss Christ, looks at me weird, and then totally does the “uhh… I have to go over here now”.

What. A. Wanker.  Like, okay so you don’t have to like it, but I always feel that, particularly in the art world, you should always be open and perhaps know your art?  Know your competition?  Be aware of other modes of creation, instead of living in your own bubble of what you do?  And moreover, screw you for being a wanker!  You used to be cool with my inherent strange conversations but now you’re just allergic to fun.

I’ve gotten used to weirding people out with my morbid obscurity, but seriously. Open your mind.

ON an unrelated matter, totally re-discovering The Smiths.  Where were they when I was a hopelessly melancholic teenager? (Who am I trying to kid saying was lol only change is I’ve got more wrinkles and saggy tits now…)

Nonsense Unicorn over and out




Because you’re worth it

To add to the conquest list, this douche comes in at number 13. I’ve already blogged about him, so I’m just going to link to this post so you know the deal.

Moral of the story is that it was yet another one night stand that stuck around like a bad smell, mind fucking me for about 3 years.

Why do I fuck so many assholes?

Nonsense unicorn

Turning Lamebos Into Rainbows

We accept the love we think we deserve.


Ah, Perks of Being a Wallflower,  how your words run true.  Why is it that so many people find themselves in relationships that destroy them?  I know it’s never as simple as the above quote,  but I really wonder why sometimes.  And many of us let our hearts me imprinted with soot and poo in these destructive relationships.  Even me, once (or twice.  I know, right?!)

Is it truly a reflection of how we view ourselves from within?

My heart went through quite an arduous journey at the hands of a fool, once upon a time.  What was meant to be a one night stand turned into a tumultuous 3 year affair.  In the beginning it was all good,  after the initial one night stand we ended up meeting again for another night of frivolity.  Which then turned into fortnightly meet…

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Stink Dick

It was the season of 21sts and the single period after Cherry and I broke up. I was at that stage of being over the heartache and not really giving a crap about guys, just getting drunk and having a good time.

I’m at a friends costume party dressed as a dog, and something something who knows how it happened but I end up sleeping with this guy. Let’s call him SD.

Side note: wtf is with picking up guys when dressed up? And I’m not talking about the slut version of costumes, I had freakin black spots painted on my face. Perhaps a closet furry?

Anyway, so it kind of turned in to a one night stand that wouldn’t go away and somehow turned into a relationship. A quite mundane and boring relationship. I think it was the epitome of a rebound, no feeling but it fills the time kind of thing.

We would do relatively boring things – eat dinner and then fuck in my car. He never focused on making me cum (don’t think I ever did? Not worth remembering).

And OMG he had stink dick. Like, how can you be 21 with stink dick? Do you even shower? And I actually put that thing inside me. Gross. But at the time I was young and thought perhaps it was normal or something .

6 months down the track I was somewhat looking for an excuse to break up with him (the dude wore skinny jeans for jeebus sakes!) Luckily, he went away for a weekend  with friends and one of my bfs was part of the crowd. She caught him fucking this known slag and let me know.

Who would have thought that cheating could bring so much elation, but there we were. So I was at work and couldn’t wait until I finished. I texted him to come meet me and dumped him there. Dumb ass denied it the whole time which made it so much easier, because dude you were caught red handed.

He lost a unicorn for one night with a hippo. 

Conquest count: 12

Nonsense unicorn