Turning Lamebos Into Rainbows

Rambling Goat and Nonsense Unicorn present… The Awesome Person's Guide to Life


Facebook Politics

I have a strange relationship with Facebook. On one hand I hate it and the stupid shit people say and do on there as keyboard warriors- but on the other hand it is just so entertaining when I don’t want to think about stuff and things.

So yes I am on there, but I’m also trying to get my friend list down to under a hundred (up to 160 at the moment). Because I don’t want acquaintances and people that I don’t like or who don’t actually see me or like me being on there.

I also have bouts of impulse when I get pissed off I just delete people off my Facebook. Like the boys family for example. I’m not the biggest fan of his siblings – they’re generally the kind to have their noses in the air looking down on people beneath them which isn’t my cup of tea.

So the boy pissed me off the other night and in a drunken stupor I deleted all of his family off my Facebook. Because alcohol makes everything more dramatic, right? His sister noticed I deleted her and commented about my impulsiveness to the boy who is now upset that I have done so.

Yeah okay so I kinda sorta see how it could be seen as making a comment about my feelings on them and “causing drama” and whatever. But seriously, it’s Facebook. Get over it. They don’t talk to me other than at family gatherings, so why should they even care? What, the superficial friend tag on a website is more important than real human interaction? 

If they actually cared about being “connected” to me, then send me a fucking text or phone call or give any sign that you give a shit other than the forced niceties due to our mutual interest in the boy.

No? Don’t want to do that? Well I don’t want to either, so what’s the Big deal about the Facebook thing?

Boy sees it as me continually making a definitive line between me vs his family, which I can’t help but do. They are not my family, I have my family. They are his family and I’m glad to have it that way. Which is hypocritical, as my family treats him as one of their own…. But that’s because we are way cooler! Lol…. But it’s also because my family actually make an effort to welcome him, where as his family looks down on me as a pleb which he denies but is so the truth.


Seriously, Facebook politics.


The Grudge of Girls

Guys forgive and forget. Girls hold grudges forever.

I’ve just had an earful of this crap because I don’t want to go to the pub on a Saturday night with the boys brother and bitchface girlfriend. Long story short, these are the dicks that stayed with us and then caused vindictive shit afterwards. So, why would I want to ruin my night by having to play happy families and fight of the urge to smack a bitch up.

I get why the boy is feeling frustrated – he wants to see his brother and feels stuck because of the feud going on. I told him he can go if he likes, but nope he can’t go cos he will be a third wheel and it would be obvious why I’m not there.

Now, I’m not the kind of person who can just pretend to have different feelings and shit. I’m a terrible liar and terrible actor, which is why I never do either. I’m pretty honest (maybe verging on the edge of crass but whatever, I don’t play mind games), and will be honest about how I’m feeling. And how I’m feeling now is I’m not ready to play happy families with that fecal colliform of a bitch.

That’s not to say that I “hold grudges forever”. No, I don’t like to hold on to anger. Saying that though, I need time for the feelings of burn to subside. And time doesn’t constitute a month, like the boy irrationally expects. Emotions and shit are stupid things that just need to go at their own pace. As much as I wish I could expedite the healing process I just can’t. If she apologised then maybe we would get somewhere, but because she’s a child and that will never happen I have to slowly rely on myself to get over it.

Him basically telling me to get over is the same as someone telling you to “just get over” a broken heart. We all know that’s not how the cookie crumbles.

So anyway, now I’m stuck in between a rock and a hard place or some kinda analogy like that. I wish I could be the “bigger person” for the boy’s sake so he feels better about it all, but on the same hand I can’t betray my own feelings.

So I don’t know, maybe I am holding a grudge like he says. But I am trying my hardest to let go of it at the same time. You just can’t rush me – just like you can’t lead a horse to water and make it drink or some shit like that.

Am I being unreasonable?

nonsense unicorn IMG_0941.JPG


When Shit Hits the Fan

Just when you think you’ve had your share of assholes in one lifetime,  someone comes around and tops of the douchebag cake.

On the plus side,  it shows that there’s always surprises in this life, right?  Although this is definitely the kind of surprise I could have ever hoped for or imagined.

So this follows my previous post,  Roommates:  Not Even Once.  If you didn’t already gather from that post,  shit hit the fan yesterday with our “darling” roommates.  After weeks of silently cleaning up after their slovenly asses (because I can be a doormat and let people walk over me) – I finally said something to them after waking up and finding the kitchen in a state that resembled a flying spaghetti monster orgy.

I was almost in tears after having to do their dishes before I could even make my morning coffee (because I could barely get to the coffee machine),  and decided to say something.  What I said was along the lines of, “I have to say this guys,  but I don’t mind if you make a mess in the kitchen,  if you could just make an effort to clean it up before I get there it would be great cos it’s not fair”.

Now,  the adult response I thought I would get was, “ah shit,  sorry about that!  No worries,  will do that next time!”  I think this is why I hate confrontation – you can envisage all you like how you think things will go,  but it ever goes the way you thought and then you’re left stumped.

The response I got: “What? I was gonna do it!  There was your mess there too so I couldn’t do it.  You didn’t have to do it”


I was holding back tears. Me:  “Yes I did have to do it because it’s my house!”

This was followed by more unnecessary defensive dribble and ended up with me crying in my room.  I called my partner in tears,  unknowingly the bitch was standing under my door listening to everything I was saying,  barging into my door calling me a fucking bitch.

They moved out that day.  I ran off to my parent’s house because I was dumbfounded by their immature response to my request for cleanliness.

I thought that would be it – okay things got heated,  things will cool down and whatever,  shit happens.

Oh no.  It doesn’t end with a mere confrontation.

I find out later in the day that the bitch has called all of the Boy’s family and told them a skewed version of events,  including a declaration that I have called one of his sister’s a c*&% (which is a grain that has been taken completely out of context – but that’s what douchebags do,  right?  Hear what they want to hear and communicate the bad stuff in their favour).  Effectively attempting to turn his family on me and turning me into the “evil bitch who kicked them out penniless”.


I am feeling gob-smacked, shocked and hurt that this sorry excuse for a human has actually deliberately gone out to vindicate me for her own gain.  I have never actually experienced this kinds of douchebaggery before – which is really strange because now I think of all the people I thought that wronged me in my life hadn’t actually,  and were just lost souls.  This one,  however,  has gone out to hurt me.  She is actually an evil person.

So now I embark into the lions den with his family,  knowing they have heard all the misconstrued shit from the viper’s mouth and hoping that they can see through her lies and evilness.

I will not stoop down to her level – I will not get petty and tell them all the horrible things she said about them while she was staying with us.  Although that would be the easy option,  I will not be as immature as her.

Wish me luck.

Nonsense Unicorn


The Pros and Cons of Living Alone

Well I have a feeling this is going to just end up making me sound like a lazy slob but whatevs, I can’t deny. Hahaha!

Bit of background info – I’ve gone from living with my ex and his big family (having 20 people there at one time was not a rare occurrence) to living alone. Well to be fair, my parents have a farm and live in one house and I live in another on the farm. So I’m not *completely* alone. I did however find it a shock at first.

With my 2 year working stint almost done here (and the ex keen to get back together – but that’s a story for another day), I thought I’d reflect on what I’ve enjoyed/despised while living alone.

*The bed gets reeeeeally cold. Sleeping naked is seriously impossible for me, even if I wanted to. In winter I sleep with a hoodie, thick trackies and thick socks on, and I have a doona, blanket and my window closed. Seriously I think I would die if I was naked. And I live in the subtropics hahaha.
*I have to make an effort for sex. Since moving out of home close to 10 years ago, I’ve only ever lived with people I also sleep with. If I’m horny and don’t feel like leaving the house, it works out pretty well. But this way I actually have to look nice, travel *heaven forbid* and put effort in to see fwbs. Damn.
*Far out, I don’t mind cleaning but it wears me down sometimes. I have dogs that I let sleep in my bathroom in winter so they not only run muddy footprints through the house, but leave biscuits on the floor, randomly poo in the middle of the night and one loves to rip up empty toilet rolls. So. Much. Constant. Mess! If I had someone else here to give me a break sometimes (even just sweep the floor!) I’d reeeeeally appreciate it.
*You might think the ability to fart whenever you want is a good thing, but I’m getting wayyyy too relaxed. When I have people around or live with people again, I may just let one slip. And we all know girls don’t poo or fart.

*Constant fear of death. Well not exactly constant but I’ve contemplated situations where I slip and fall, or electrocute myself or have a heart attack and no one knows. I might not be discovered for hours or heaven forbid, days! I should really carry my mobile around with me but I don’t. And I guess that won’t save me from being electrocuted.
*Falling asleep on the couch. No one wakes you up! It sucks. I wake up and its 3am and the TV is still blaring.

*Using the bathroom with the door open, its liberating!
*No one judges me for occasionally eating chips and drinking a beer in bed (I have a tv in my bedroom) or having ice cream for breakfast.
*Getting reacquainted with porn. Wow, I learnt some great threesome positions the other week. Actually maybe this is a con too – I opened up a site this morn while eating breakfast (someone recommended it to me) and I scrolled down and saw a girl with her legs spread and bloody fingers. I almost vommed up my breakfast. Rags porn! Or is that considered vampire porn?! For those remembering back to my Phone Sex post, I didn’t finger fuck myself while on rags, stick to the clit folks, stick to the clit!
*If you have no clean cups while having a ‘fuck doing the washing up’ moment, you can drink out of the juice bottle without feeling guilty! Ok ok I’ve done it twice and felt guilty both times, but still, I didn’t have to do the washing up before quenching my thirst. Woooo!
*I can watch whatever I want on tv! All. The. Time. I can’t deal with zombie shows! I analyse shit way too much. Like who made up that zombies move slow? Its too convenient when you’re running away.. Make them run (and drop limbs while they’re running!) Or is that just a leper :/ Whatevs. I’m more of a comedy/sports/space documentary type than a crime and zombie drama type.

*I can look as bad as I want around the house. Ok those of you in relationships are going to say ‘yeah I do that already, my partner doesn’t judge me’. No, I wake up with birds nest hair and don’t bother fixing it for hours, even after I’ve already seen it in the mirror. Or I have a giant white headed pimple and leave it there without popping it/putting cream on it/coating it in makeup.

So in summary, I guess I’m more addicted to WordPress and memes now, but at least I drink less? Having ‘me’ time is kind of rad but I also love the onslaught of a bunch of sweaty post-football boys sitting on my couch dripping soy sauce all over it. Maybe I just need 2 houses? 😛

Rambling Goat