Turning Lamebos Into Rainbows

Rambling Goat and Nonsense Unicorn present… The Awesome Person's Guide to Life


Merry Happy and Drunken Whatevers

I hope you all had a lovely Xmas and New Years 😀 Its basically law to get wasted and eat too much so I’ve got no hard feelings toward myself and neither should you.

I feel terrible for not being on here so much over the break but apparently I’m on my tablet too much.. Booo! But don’t worry I’m back now 😉

I suppose you’ll want a summary of whatever debauchery I can legitimately remember and I’m happy to accommodate. This is mainly because I’m in the backseat of my parents car for a 5 hour trip, have watched all the episodes of archer I have on my tablet and am sitting next to 2 small dogs, one (or both) of which stink of anus. I unfortunately know the smell of anal glands quite well after visiting the vet a few months ago and watching him “empty” them for my dog.

In other ‘why this trip home sucks’ news, I busted my dad taking a photo of me sleeping next to these stanky dogs (pretty sure my mouth was open too) but instead of face palming and wondering if that will end up on Facebook, I’ll do this post.

Here’s a handy tip: do not remove your headphones while on a road trip with your folks. It sounds cruel but last time I did there was a lengthy convo on weather. Noooot in the mood for senior cit convos.. I need my chill time. And wtf because they don’t even play music or have the radio on, it’s just silence?! *twitching*

You’re probably at this point wondering why I’m not perusing Facebook or looking at peoples meals on Instagram but apart from the fact that I dislike social media and people knowing my shit (ironic no?), I’m also a massive cheapskate aka poorer than a homeless person. My bank balance is -$70 and (thankfully) I do prepaid credit so I have no credit in my phone. No internet to amuse myself with till I get home to wifi 😦

Ok ok enough rambling, here’s what went down during the christmas break:
*I met up with Sharn, JohnnyID, bestie NU and the petplay guy from fetlife. Bf came too (NU’s wanted to come but was feeling sick), so we hung out, drank, ate, laughed our heads off and had a ball. No vomiting in a gutter thankfully! I was planning on doing an interview but with non-bloggers hanging with us I figured it would be weird. That and I’m lazy. Will catch up again next year! Can’t wait 😀

*That same night I stayed in an old pub which looked haunted.


I had a lotttt of orgasms and then woke up to the sight of a children’s plastic cricket bat jammed in the fireplace. I asked bf if we found that while drunk the night before and he said no, he hadn’t noticed it there and if he did, he would have spanked me with it! Haha! Teach a man to fish…
But yeah, pretty much assumed it was a ghost manoeuvre. Which suddenly seemed awkward due to all the sexy times the ghost may have watched (yeah I can’t even be a exhibitionist to a ghost! LOL).
Here’s a pic of the stairway to our room complete with creepy olden day photos, paintings and a deer head..


And the cricket bat..


*I spent Xmas eve at bf’s dad’s place wearing a onesie. Not a long warm one in the shape of a dinosaur, it was a cotton playsuit one covered in little lemons. Bf picked it out and I thought I looked a bit frumpy like this:


But actually it was a hit. Until a 21 year old female family friend turned up in a black see-through onesie.. Cue cigars, beers and perving with the boys ❤

*Christmas was pretty good, there was a big water fight with supersoakers, water bombs and eventually buckets of cold water, swimming, alcohol, tons of food etc.

I told bf all I wanted for Xmas was to speak to dd normally again. For a quick recap, dd is an older man that means a lot to me and although I'm poly, bf is struggling with the idea of me dating another man. Baby steps. Anyway he had us only having 'friend' convos which was doing my head in so now he's agreed to let me talk normally to him again 😀 so excited! Best present evvvooorrr. First msg I sent to dd after telling him the good news:

*After chrissy we spent close to a week with my family out bush (farmland area) where there was more drinking, eating and visiting a couple of gardens (it’s what gardeners do on holidays ok? 😛 ).

*For NYE I had planned on just sleeping but was guilted into going out. One of bfs friends is super egotistical and his gf never talks so a dinner with them? Mehhhhh I just didn’t want to go. But another guy friend came with us so I figured it wouldn’t be so bad.. I warned bf and the nice friend that I was going to be wasted. They were cool with it. So I got drunk as shit 🙂 Apparently I was lovely and the couple didn’t seem as bad (or was this because I was drunk?). I vaguely remember ending up at some bowling club for dinner that was full of old guys and closed at 9pm – egotistical guy hadn’t organised dinner on the beach like he’d originally told us.

We ended up back at his house where I proceeded to tell the nice friend that I’d “heard through the blogs that Plenty of Fish was full of weirdos and Ok Cupid wasn’t entirely bad”. Oh and to also try fetlife. Apparently he said his sister put him on a dating site and he was actually complaining about it, so i’m not sure that my *helpful* suggestions were helpful. Bf freaked out when I mentioned fetlife and the boys all conveniently left where we were sitting and hung out in the kitchen. Drunken care factor = 0. Pretty much the same as my sober care factor.

I spent the next god knows how long talking to the girl about their upcoming wedding of which I’m not invited to (and don’t want to be invited to). Bf is their best man and I’m still not keen on going. There’s a lot of blanks in that conversation, so it seems I feigned interest without using up precious memory space, good job drunken self! We got home before midnight and I passed out. Missed the fireworks and fully don’t care. I woke up to a fly landing on my lip and I was cuddling a bottle of water. No vomit = a success in my eyes.

*My parents got me and bf kayaks for xmas so we got some kayaking in too. We ended up selling our music festival tickets and going kayaking instead. So much fun 😀 Bf’s going to attach a box on the back of his for fishing gear (they have holes for rods). Your old mate RG is going to attach an esky with beers in it 😉 LOL I sound like the biggest alchy but I swear I don’t drink all the time! The holidays and special events are my drunken time 🙂


Well luckily this didn't happen! Fuck that shit :O

*Last night although I was drinking and hanging out in the pool again, I also got stoned. For the record, I don’t like weed. If I have too much, it gives me schizophrenic symptoms. So cool if you love it and it makes you feel lovely, but I’m one of the ones that hallucinates shit like a cartoon Bambi laying on the side of the road while completely sober weeks later. Thanks brain, you fuckwit. But in the interest of cool shit, THERE’S FLAVOURED PAPERS! So yes, I had a banana flavoured doobie. And no, it did not taste like banana. Just like my chocolate cigars didn’t taste like chocolate (stick with vanilla!)

This chic I semi have a crush on was there, swimming in the pool and joking about spanking and choking after bf’s brother hugged her from behind (thus choking her) and slapped my arse (and if you know archers quotes I responded with “you got another one in ya?”). Hehehehehheh yes, so she’s a kinky one. Aaaand I would have flirted more with her but I’ve got my rags. To be completely blunt, I think most of it got pumped out of there a few days ago but after the banana joint I was in no state to maul a giney anyway. Next time 🙂

So its all over and I’m back home now. What have I missed?? 😀

Rambling Goat


Show us your box, 2014!

For most of my life I thought Boxing Day was called so due to some big boxing match that was on or something. It wasn’t until a few years ago someone told me it was to do with present boxes.

True story.

And with that take of my innate idiocy, I bid you all adieu! Ah 2014, it was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times.

Nonsense Unicorn



Byeee 2014!

Waiting for bf to arrive tonight, then I’m probably going to be off the radar till new year so here’s my last post for the year 🙂

I’ve got a quick moment before I have to work out why my vibrating panties aren’t working (it was his request to be in bed wearing them when he arrived). Maybe they can sense my tiredness.

It was 36 degrees today with no breeze.


I cant be bothered working out Fahrenheit so lucky my thingy has whatevers. Shhh I'm tired.

Instead of using my air con which I’m almost certain houses a family of mice, I sat under a fan. The fan wasn’t cutting it so I had the genius plan of sitting on the concrete floor in my new walk in robe. Totally not weird. Took a selfie anyway and sent it to Sharn also mentioning that I was so hot, I was considering removing underwear. Brings new meaning to the phrase ‘so hot right now!’

Anyway somehow we got onto pick up lines and I told her one that I’ll be trying out in Vegas next year (and which the glorious Daring Vagina originally got me giggling at). “I can fit 4 fingers in my mouth, want to see?”

In conclusion, I can fit 5 and I now have a scratch down the back of my throat. Sharn was also mouth-fisting out of curiosity (why did we not take photos?! Hahahahaha).

And this weekend I’ll be hanging out with the classy kink-master herself so stay tuned for a possible post/interview/photo of our tits being squashed together/story where I end up hurling in a gutter (I haven’t drank properly in months! Lightweight alert!). I was hoping to get us a lovely trampling experience with old mate foot fetish but he can’t make it – booo! 😦 He has promised me that when I do see him, he’ll get me a pair of high heels, converse sneakers and whatever I would like in return for trampling him. I thought shoes was the payment? Oh well spending money for my USA trip won’t go astray 😀

Ok best be going. Have a glorious time no matter what you celebrate. Personally I’ll be doing Festivus on Dec 23rd (I’ve even got inflatable sumo suits for the ‘feats of strength’ part!). And then the classic Aussie Christmas which requires the following:
*Hot day
*BBQ lunch
*Some family member dressing as Santa and sweating up a storm in the costume
*Kids on bikes/scooters/skateboards everyyyyywhere – as kids you unwrap your presents first thing in the morning then spend your day testing out your new toys. Remote controlled planes + remote controlled cars + kids on bikes = Christmas Chaos.

I’ll be doing a family holiday/reunion as is our tradition after xmas, then sleeeeping for NYE, then a music festival on new years day. So have an awesome holiday break and I’ll see you all in the new year!

Rambling Goat

Ps. Vibrating panties are totally not working. So I’m totally wearing granny undies and going to sleep. Its one of those nights! Hahaha the joys of being comfortable in a relationship 😉


Silly Season Update

Sorry I’ve been a tad quiet, its just the silly season and for so many reasons. So here’s an update.

Tradies are starting to not turn up here because they’re busy right before Christmas. Good news though is I’ve been busting arse painting and making shelves and I now have a walk in wardrobe! Its tiny but its not a main bedroom so who cares. I’ve been living out of an antique one that’s only boob height so anything is an improvement on that!

Christmas presents. [Insert expletives here].


Ok don’t get me wrong, I love giving. More so than receiving. But I’m sooo poor. I’ve got $100 in my account with likely only $50 more coming in before Xmas. So basically my brother has bought stuff for me and him to give our parents and I’ll just owe him the money. Cue guilty feeling! I still haven’t got him anything but he has got me something so my money will have to go to him. I was going to get bf a fleshlight (hehehehheh) and he was going to pay for a tattoo but maybe we’ll just have to skip presents this year. I’d honestly prefer my present to be that I can talk to DD as normal again.

Which brings me to DD. Bf wants us to chat just as friends because he’s not ok with me liking another guy. I’m poly, he’s not (well not with men, women are fine), but he’s slowly getting there. Even through the mundane friend convos I now have with DD like “how’s work?” “Yeah fine, how’s your day?”, I still like him. He’s a great guy. I can’t just switch off feelings because someone tells me to. So yeah, struggling with that as usual. DD even said his goodbyes till January because he wants me to stop being stressed and enjoy my time with bf. He’s so caring ❤

I'm still up to my usual antics. I had an awesomely relaxing bath last night (bath salts, wank, book) but got out and looked in the mirror – there was a freakin black spider chilling out on my shoulder. Seriously hope it wasn't there during my self-love time, that would be extremely awkward. Animals should NEVER watch in my opinion, I don't care what animal they are!

Like Ann, I’ve been thoroughly entertained with Fetlife too.
*There’s this lovely guy who loves feet, intense pain and goths standing on him with their shoes (basically my complete opposite) who is just chatting because he can. I stopped replying because to be frank, the conversation is him talking about how he’s renting a house and how he’s about to buy it so needs to fix the drain out the back. Maybe I should try to swing the convo back to his fetishes (not the foot fetish, the shoe part I can handle though!)


Although I can imagine standing on a consenting adult with these to be kind of fun..

*Another guy with a huuuge dong is telling me he would love to suck on my puss (for the record I only have face shots up and one headless shot of cleavage – all very pg rated). Ok I love guys who love lady parts but on his profile he claims something like ‘the hairier the better’. How to break it to him.. Haha here’s the convo:
mmm i wish we lived closer id love to put my beard between your legs and have your juices flow down it
As extremely hot as that sounds, you might not like it so much – I don’t have any pubes! 😛
I bet I’d still love it ❤
Hair is enjoyable but the taste of a nice wet pussy dripping down my tongue is still still my favorite

Daaaamn I love cunnilingus addicts *happy sigh* I actually contemplated if I'd be travelling anywhere near him on my USA holiday next year.. But.. The huge dong… My giney is equally jumping for joy and crying. Tough decision! Hopefully I'll have DD with me and won't have any time/energy to go down that route (Hehehehheh… Yeeeah root means sex in Australia).

*Omg, I've found such an awesome guy. He's poly, silly (he called me dorkbutt! Hehe), fun, and he's into pet play! What's that you ask? This.


He’s so awesome. And quite good looking. Will be keeping him in my sights for the momentous occasion when I actually get to be full poly with the bf 😀 he even said he sees me as a little bird and would love for me to fly in to visit his poly family occasionally, hehe how cute! And in the meanwhile, when he gets his next kitty I’m totally going round there to throw a ball of yarn around for her and get my arm chewed on. Random fun!

I’ve also been converting the sucket list and fetish list over to their own pages, so stay tuned! They should be up and ready this week. I wouldn’t bother but apparently you’re all deviants out there – views are consistent on them even several months later 😛

Hope you’re all coping with the silly season and can find some time to relax amongst it all! Xo


Rambling Goat